Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Road to Guantanamo - film

There are a ton of events as our peace and justice community is really heating up. I get announcements at odd times, so keep checking back to see if there is anyting new. If you have an announcement, please let me know.

MUST-SEE MOVIE! Based on the words of the prisoners themselves, this film tells the incredible story of how three British citizens ended up in jail at Guantanamo. Viewing is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to gain an understanding of US policies of imprisonment and torture.

Monday, February 26, at 7 pm
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Auditorium
Northeast corner of Speedway and Mountain
Free, and open to the public: Free parking east of building.
The Road to Guantanamo

1 comment:

Douglas R. Page said...

I would like to join your organization. I will come to the meeting on Saturday Feb 28.
I am a scared old man. It appears that Obama is chosing disastrous policies that simply will not work.
If you have not seen the very enlightening video,"Money and Debt" I would like to show it at a future meeting. We simply have to nationalize the banks that are too big to fail, nationalize the Fed, and issue public money instead of letting the private banks do it.
We need to pressure Obama and Senate Democrats to get rid of the filibuster. It is idiotic to let 41 Senators thwart the will of a substantial majority of voters, a majority in the House, a majority in the Senate, and our President. If this is not dealt with, disaster is unavoidable. Are Sonora Progressives up for this sort of focusing so that we can get the other things we want?
Doug Page