Monday, January 29, 2007

Update from John Brakey

Action Alert - The suit Pima County Dems voted to support at the County organizing meeting last month, to demand records the county is denying access to, around the early reports pulled from early ballot data, may be filed this Wednesday. Hang on to your hats! John and Bill Reisner will be speaking at the County Board of Supervisors Wed, 1/31. Around 2:30 PM. Two supervisors, Dem Richard Elias (D) and Ray Carroll (R) are working with EIC, and they should be thanked. The others must be lobbied.

Flash - Brad Friedman form Bradsblog ( ), a leader in reporting on election integrity issues nationally, will be in Phoenix to do two radio shows on AA PHXon Thursday and Friday, and may be in Tucson on Wednesday. Save Wednesday evening just in case, and if you can attend the County supes this week, please do so.

John reports that the practice of pulling early reports of vote by mail (VBM) ballots, probably to indicate where to fight and put extra funds and where to save money, has been going on at least as far back as Tom Volge’s support for clean elections. Tom never won an election after that, John believes he was was targeted for his support.

Four hours after pulling that report in the 2006 election, the R’s put out that voter robocall that the Democratic Party was pulling its support for Ted Downing, working hard to take him out over election integrity. Luckily, it takes more than a lost election to stop Ted! John does not know yet whether John Kyle pulled money he had planned to spend in Pima County when he discovered the balloting was going his way.

Just in...Finally, David Waid and Donna Branch Gilby are carrying a friendly amendment authored by AUDITAZ and others, putting extra power into the DNV election integrity resolution, when they go to DC later this week for the DNC quarterly meeting.

Thanks to everyone for their work.

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